Let the Packing Begin!

Over the past few weeks, months, or more, we’ve been going back and forth on what our next plan of attack would be. Would we go or stay? If we go, where? In the summer of 2017 we were minutes (seriously) from having a realtor’s sign sitting in our yard.  But, with Charlie on his way into the world, we decided to not add yet another level of complication and stress to our plate—we were full up. So, once we were past all of that, we refocused on what was next.

That focused moved from finding a great home that fit what were looking for to finding land to build on, and then flipped back-and-forth a couple more times. Now, we’ve settled on building in a development called Tannery Bay in Whitehall.  There, we found a plan that we love and have been are able to make a few tweaks to truly make it perfect for us.

While we’re just getting started with the building process, we’ve decided to put our home on the market this coming April. Which means, the packing, decluttering, and selling has begun. During the build, we’ll be living next door to Daniel’s parents in a cabin that they rent out. If all goes as planned, we should be moving in early spring 2019 to our new home.

So, if anyone knows someone looking to buy a home, send them on over.