It has been too long since I have been on here. My last post was August 5th, 2013 and in order to get on this thing I had to do a password reminder. It was less than a month before our wedding. It is amazing how time flies. Ben and I have been married now for 6 months and they have been great. It is true what you always hear about all the planning, all the money and how fast the day goes by. We couldn’t have picked a more amazing group of friends to spend the weekend with and be more blessed with a loving and supportive family. We realize that no amount of money nor any amazing location makes a wedding memorable, but rather the people you spend it with is what forever fixates that moment in your mind.
For those that want to relive the weekend, or those who couldn’t join us, here is a brief recap:
Friday started with late afternoon check-ins at the Park Place Hotel with mostly close family and the wedding party. For those that came that night, we all took a short walk to the brewery and enjoyed a few flights, great food and even better company. There are many aspects of this weekend that I fondly look back on and cherish but this is one of my favorites, and maybe because it was the first. I often relish in the recreation of this weekend in my mind and although we just do not have enough photos of some of these impromptu outings, in my mind it is so vivid it plays back like a movie. From Ben forgetting his phone, to the amazing cheese soup, to feuding over the bill with Chuck and Diana and loud laughs that never stopped. I know our wedding happened on a Sunday night, but it was obvious the celebration began that moment not only for us, but for all those who love us as well. This evening of debauchery was courtesy of the great North Peak Brewery.
Saturday morning we feasted again. Meeting up with some of our dearest friends, we snuck away from the masses to the best French café, Patisserie Amie. If you ever need the most incredible food and find yourself in Traverse City in the morning, this is a must go place. Be preapared to go early or wait as they can only fit about 30 people max. Sitting out in the crisp morning air, taking in the breaking morning sun was a much needed reminder of the events that were about to come for the day. We had a little time to relax, but quickly approaching was the noon hour and the trolley from Celtic Shuttle would be arriving to whisk us away for our wine tour and lunch.
Clang, clang, clang went the trolley, and chug, chug, chug went the guests. Five full hours of fun filled travel through the Leelanau Peninsula with I think five stops, Jimmy Johns sandwiches, and many laughs. I have a hard time recalling all the stops, but I know we did the following: 45 North, L. Mawby and M. Lawrence (both at the same location), Bluestone, Brengman Brothers, and one other I think. It was a great day with amazing weather, which so far was the theme for the weekend. Too bad that didn’t last! In fact, people were shedding sweatshirts and sweaters the temps were so nice and sun was so bright. The trolley was packed and AC was sprinking water and shavings of metal but today, nothing could get us down.

Opening his gift from us for being in the wedding. We couldn’t ask for a better friend. Rex has been there for us many times. Thank you friend.
Ending the tour shortly after five to let everyone have an evening to themselves. Ben and I took my mom and grandma to the Jolly Pumpkin for more great food and laughs while a crazy group of friends later piled like the Clampets into the back of a van and made their way up Old Mission Peninsula to the Jolly Pumpkin for a late dinner and drunken laughs. All in all, it was a great close to a wonderful day. No worries, we were able to fit in a little shopping as well.
And now, it was Sunday. One more quick trapse away to the hidden French café with Jamie, Shelly, Rex and Steve then back to the hotel to get ready for a fast day of chaos, photos, and celebration. The weather started out wonderful, but that was just tease. Leaving for some time with the wonderful Sheena C Photography and wedding party, things were looking good, but quickly suspicion set in. By the time the shuttle left the hotel with all the guests, we were at the vineyard dealing with tornado-like rain storms, held up in a barn, hoping there was a way to salvage our day. By arrival we made for a break in the rain, assembled the masses, and led by our dear friend Shelly, commenced the ceremony, and nature commenced the rain once again. Semi-rushed Ben and I shared in our nuptials, and although not recognized in law (yet), we are bound in heart. Leaving the vineyard as if all had taken a dip in the bay, we quickly made our way back to the hotel giving time for all to dry off and clean up.
Finally atop the Park Place, and on top of the world as Steve would say, we started to celebrate. With amazing food, and delectable desserts from Underground Cheesecake, we wined, dined and danced the evening to a close. Entertainment brought to us by my very own Benjamin and the local homeless man wandering in. It was an incredible night. One I replay in my mind almost every week. I love it. And I always.
Monday morning we sat in the lobby sipping mimosas provided by our friends and photographers, Sheena and Doug. Saying good by to all our great friends and family as they checked out, one by one. It was bittersweet. I am glad we had the chance to once again thank everyone for coming and spend another couple minutes talking with them as they left. Everyone having driven long distances and spending so much to share in our day in which we are forever grateful for this. However, it was sad to see this time draw to close, saying good bye to something we put so much heart into planning for so many months, weeks and nights. With every good bye, we moved a little farther away from the weekend we held so dearly.
In the end, I look back on this weekend and realize it was the best of my life and I will likely never experience another weekend like that again, at least one not so personal. Obviously this is our one and only marriage, but to match the excitement, the warm embrace Ben and I experienced from all those around us, the support, gathered in one place for one weekend; that is a moment that will we will never be able to recreate. There is a part of me that is sad it is over, but then I am overwhelmed that I have this weekend to look back on to remind us of all the people that we have in our life now. We only get to do this once and in the end…we wouldn’t have done it any differently, and that is all thanks to all of you reading this.
P.S. The next post I’ll update about how our honeymoon in Disney went. Probably won’t be so long…JUST JOKING! It will be WAY longer. It’s about Disney!
– Daniel