Family Matters

The cat is out of the bag; we finally told our families this last weekend.

On Saturday night we called Ben’s parents. It worked out nicely as it was Ben’s dad’s birthday, so we intended it to be a birthday gift. Unfortunately, he was tired and went to bed before we could tell him so his mom got to deliver the news the next day. Obviously, everyone was excited. Becca was home, so she got the news as well, but truth be known, her and Ryan both knew we were looking into this anyway. I knew the experience of sharing the news would be fun, but I was more than surprised at how much fun it was. Becca even exclaimed, “Baby poop!” Something is wrong with her. As of writing this (January 19) we have still not had the chance to tell Dan and Allie yet but will be soon. Between Jameson and the coming baby from Dan and Allie, the Bennett clan is growing quickly. You’re next Becca and Ryan!

The next day we went out to Twin Lake to deliver the news and my family was equally excited. Everyone always has many questions and we were excited and happy to answer them. Grace had the funniest response when we told her we were adopting and she asked if it was a puppy. Mom was great and ordered the baby bed we picked out to get the nursery started which is already coming tomorrow! We talked all afternoon about names and what we need to do to get ready for the assessment and long term for the arrival of the baby.

We have still have a few more people we want to tell before the news goes public and will do so in the next coming weeks but I look forward to the day when we can say we are taking a baby home. In the end, we look forward to sharing this future child with our family and providing lots of time for everyone to bond with our little Smith-Bennett.

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