The End is in Sight!

We are done! Well mostly. We had a great meeting with Cathy, the director of the agency, and Hannah. We spent a few hours with them and they actually just left the house. All in all, smooth home assessment but it will not be the last.

We are still working on securing the cords to our light fixtures. Anyone who has visited our house has seen our lights that are hanging from the ceiling, but corded. These have been a challenge. Our home is old, almost 90 years actually. Which means, the rooms have no ceiling lights. We have overcome this problem by running a decorative power cord to all of our hanging fixtures. As a result, we have, in three rooms, cords running from the ceiling to an electrical outlet. This has been a concern of both ours and the agency. We have been working on solutions and feel today we have determined the best approach. Now we have to implement the fix and get them out to the house again for a quick visit to make sure we are all comfortable with the solution.

In the end, I had nothing to worry about. We had a great time talking and answered so many questions. The best news being, that although it is not in writing, we are essentially approved for adoption. Once they see the cord situation corrected and they get back our finger printing (which has been taking longer than expected for not only us but many couples), they can formally write the approval and then we can start meeting birth families if chosen. Currently, there are no birth families working with the agency, but they did just complete 3-4 adoptions in the first two months of the year. We will just be waiting from here on out and hoping the right situation presents to provide us with a our child.

Our future updates will be much less frequent. Once the final approval is done, the waiting period is just that which means we will not have a lot to say about what is happening. Rest assured though, once something happens, we will be quick to update all of you on the latest. Also once we get the last few touches done in the nursery, we will post some photos for you all to see.

1 Comment

  1. I am so happy for you two and will certainly welcome a new member to our family. l over you both. Grandma.B

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