Baby Proofing 

It’s coming up fishes here; or rather Whales. As part of our prepping for the adoption, we have had to work on our home making the appropriate changes and change number one was creating a nursery. Sadly this means my craft room had to go, but this was a sacrifice I was happy to make for our future child. We have a crib, added some furniture, and applied some paint. After searching for decorating themes we decided Whales would be perfect. They are gender neutral, somewhat on trend right now making it easier to find and just look darn cute. We got some art work, bought bed linens (just the fitted sheet as anything else just wouldn’t be safe) and got busy putting the finishing touches on the room. Today (02/13/16) it’s mostly done. We have a rocking chair on order and will add a few small things over time when we know more about our future child. It has been a fun process, although it is a hard to articulate the feeling of walking by a baby-less nursery everyday.

The rest of the house can’t be ignored either. As part of the home assessment we have to show that we have prepped for the overall safety of the baby. In the last few weeks we have added baby gates, locked up chemicals, placed cabinet and drawer locks in the kitchen, secured medications away, and updated fire extinguishers.

We have our first assessment interview next week and will start the pages of paperwork soon. At this point, it sounds things may move a little quicker than we thought and are hopeful that the approval is done faster than the 90 day maximum. Who knows, maybe little Smith-Bennett will be here this summer!


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