Moving to Whitehall had one, clear disadvantage…the commute. Prior to the move, we spent less than 30 minutes a day making the journey. For me, my path was so short…
I’m Back!
If you have ever maintained (or lack thereof) a blog, it is likely you have also made a similar post. It is a lot of work to keep writing updates.…
Goodbye 707
Today was the day. The day we said goodbye to our home at 707 Hoyt. It was the first home we bought together. The first home we brought our first…
Release the Hounds
We’ve made it through the inspection of our Grand Rapids home! As a result, we’ve lifted the contingency hold that we had on our Tannery Bay home. Which means, it’s…
6 Month Old!
Well, that was fast. I know, we haven’t even left the station of the roller coaster of time yet and it’s only going to get faster. The last appointment with…