Charlie Ray

What’s in a name you ask? We say Family. Many already know that we have picked the name Charlie Ray for our soon to arrive son. What many don’t know is how we came up with the name.

Back when Ben and I decided to start the process of adoption the topic of names quickly came up. We both always felt it important that we name our child one that has a connection to our family. We considered a few family names including Waldo and Henry. However, we were always drawn to Charlie.

So you may be asking, “What is the family connection?” Well, Ben’s middle name is Charles which is also his dad’s (Chuck) and paternal grandfather’s first name. Charles also makes a few appearances in my family. Ray had similar connections being both my middle name and my maternal grandfather’s middle name. Coincidentally, Raymond is Chuck’s middle name and Ray appears a few other times in Ben’s family tree.

So with that a name was born: Charlie Ray Smith-Bennett. It is a little Ben, a little me, and even more our heritage.