Food, food and more food!

We’ve been getting questions about what you’ll be eating at the wedding. When filling out that handy little RSVP page on our website, you are so kindly asked to check a box for chicken, beef, or vegetarian. Nothing more specific provided. The truth is…we have NO IDEA! We have not had the chance to meet with the chef yet. We tried to have this done earlier this month but between his schedule and ours, it was just not possible, but we will be meeting with him, moms included, this coming month. We’ll also be meeting with the vineyard, the bakery and a few other vendors to finalize some details, but in the meantime, I’ll include some tantalizing menu snippets of possible food you’ll be eating at our upcoming event:

  • Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast with Parmesan Cream Sauce
  • Sautéed Chicken Breast with Forest Mushroom Boursin Cream Sauce
  • Grilled Sirloin with Port Wine Demi
  • Grilled New York Strip with Three Peppercorn Sauce
  • Crown Filet topped with Crabmeat & Sauce Béarnaise

I wonder what the choices will the entrées will be!