If you have ever maintained (or lack thereof) a blog, it is likely you have also made a similar post. It is a lot of work to keep writing updates. The last time myself, or Ben, have made a post on here was September of 2018…almost 2 years ago. That feels both so long ago, and in some space-time continuum blackhole, like yesterday. I have heard it said many times that the days are long but the years are short. Never has that felt more true to me than now.
Having a blog has always been something I wanted. It always seemed like a great way to share our story and stay connected to our family and friends. It turns out, having one requires some dedication and discipline that I lack. However, I realized something else today. A blog is a great way to document our lives for ourselves. I am not sure what prompted me to look back, but for some reason, I found myself reading back through our posts. It was truly a gift to read about what what was going on in our lives over the last few years. It has also, for the time being, motivated me to get back to blogging, or rather how I am trying to see it from here on out, publicly journaling. I want to continue to share my thoughts on current topics and will of course, continue to post about my beliefs and hopes, but more than ever, I want to have something to look back at in 10 or 20 years. That desire is even stronger now that I am a dad. Journaling, in the traditional sense, is also quite therapeutic – so why not give it a modern twist. Here is a link to 8 ways journaling (in the traditional sense) can change your life.
So, with that, here is to attempt 223. Another attempt at keeping up on documenting our lives. Read if you want, skip if you chose…I am doing this for me, for Ben and most importantly, for Charlie. But I do hope you continue to enjoy the journey with us.
Oh, and just because – some photo updates.

Post Feature Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash