It’s Been Awhile

So, we’ve been slacking.

Well, maybe not slacking, but updating this blog certainly has taken a backseat to other more important things. Charlie things. This update is a bit on the brief side, but it’s a start.

To bring you up to speed, if you don’t already know. Charlie officially became, according to Kent County, Charlie Ray Smith-Bennett on December 29, 2017. Literally, the very last business day of 2017. Call it a belated Christmas gift or an early gift for the New Year, whatever, it was awesome to get the call that we’d made it. Made it through the most trying, scary time of our life.

Slowly through January and February we received Charlie’s official birth certificates with both Daniel and I listed as parents—another very cool thing to see. Now, we wait on one more. The Social Security Administration. Technically, they’ve been relatively easy to work with as far as government agencies go. The Postal Office, however, is another thing. We had a social security card in route to be delivered a few weeks ago. It just never made it to our mailbox. I know it was coming, I have a scan of the envelope from the Post Office themselves that came to my email the morning it was to be delivered. Which means a couple things. One, we have no idea where it was delivered. Two, we have to make our way back to the Social Security Administration to get a new number issued. In the grand scheme of things, this is tedious, but easy. Frustrating, but easy. I’ll take it.