It’s Go Time

It is amazing how the best laid plans change. We initially wanted to submit the application for adoption after we returned from Disney on March 1, but after completing the forms and sending out our letters of reference requests, we asked ourselves, why wait!? Although the approval process only has 90 days to be completed after submitting the application and we will be gone for a few of them, it seemed senseless to delay things by a few more weeks. So, we are submitting this week and not waiting. This time tomorrow (02/10/2016), we should be active applicants for adoption. What an exciting week!

Speaking of references, we should take a moment to thank our great friends, family, and coworkers. Everyone we reached out to was eager to help and so kind in completing the forms in the length of time needed. Due to the time constraints, it was asked that the three-page short answer form be completed within five days of receiving it. I cannot express my gratitude for all of our people who took the time to help us out.

We wrote a small letter of thanks to all of our references and had a realization in doing so. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, but I now know it takes a village to adopt a child as well. We so appreciate our “village.”

1 Comment

  1. I am so happy for all of us in this family to have another little sweetie to love and spoil.

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