It’s official!

So I am writing this post out of order. As you will see over the next few weeks, the posts that are coming up are actually ones that were written a little while ago. We are working very hard to document the whole process and to update our friends and family as often as possible. In order to do so, we have been writing our thoughts down along the way. I am sure at some point we will be caught up to real-time as after we are approved for adoption we will be in a waiting period until we match with a birth family. That could be weeks, months, or even years and little to update on during this timeframe. However, big things happened in the last few days. We submitted our formal application and heard good things from the agency that there may be some birth families looking for adoptive families right now. So the sooner we get our assessment completed, the sooner we may be matching.

Coming up this week, on Thursday, we have our first assessment interview and will be getting a bunch more paperwork to complete. Just in time for our flight to Florida for our trip to Disney, which means we should have some travel time to get some of the paperwork started. We continue to work on getting the house ready and we are busy putting some final touches on the nursery.

Keep an eye on future posts. I have them scheduled to pop-up on here every Thursday at 5pm. We will continue to do our best to keep everyone updated.


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