Marching On and Staying the Same

It is hard to believe that it is already the end of March. I have not been on here since last year and I realize I am quite terrible about updating the blog. Maybe in another life I will find better success in recording the saga of our daily coming and goings.

There is so much that has changed in the last few months and yet, it seems so much is still the same. We now have a beautiful, thriving little niece Abigail Bennett Smith, we have settled into out home nicely and are always in the process of some sort of update and we added to our own immediate family with an amazing little fur baby Ralphie. He has a Facebook page if you are interested in following. And yes, for those of you that are counting, that brings our total of fur and feather family members to a total of four. We are now out numbered and have leased a train car from Barnum & Bailey.

If you watch my mundane updates on the cyber world, you’ll see that I have taken up some new hobbies. In the last couples months I have begun the adventure of sewing. I am likely the biggest of all nerds. I have always hoped to learn how to sew and now have finally taken the time to start to learn how threads and needles actually work. My successes so far are few and have been relegated to baby blankets, a patchwork pillow case and the rare clothing repair, but I hope in time to experience the satisfaction of creating a real quilt. Not just the kind you buy from a store, but the real, I sewed it, and likely bleed on it from stabbing myself with the needle kind of quilt. You can all be jealous now. I have also learned and have quickly absconded into the world of Circuit-ing. Basically, I play with paper and fancy scissors. If you are not familiar with this, I must warn you: it is quite addicting. I am now able to make any holiday or birthday card I want, put together a scrapbook page in a matter of minutes, and all the while I never have to leave my own. Basically, I’m the Brad Pitt of crafting.

I am not really sure what to update the world on when he comes to Ben. He is always busy. Lately he has been working on a few websites for clients. At work, he was involved in the rebranding of Gordon Food Service. If you haven’t seen their new logo, take a look. It is quite nice. He was not actually part of the design process for the logo but instead has been part of the new brand rollout and standards as it relates to the use of the logo in advertising, print, products, etc… That’s about all I can get from him. A very common conversation that occurs in our home goes as such:

Me: What are you working on over there?

Ben: Stuff. (Sitting at his computer)

Me: What kind of stuff? (I roll my eyes)

Ben: Stuff that needs to get done.

He is quite verbose as you can see. What I do know though is that in addition to web client work, he is researching things for the outdoor updates. The “stuff” has been researching lighting, decking, furniture and the sort. It makes him happy so if works, leave it.

So like I said, a lot of things have changed and then is seems so many haven’t. Every night I come home, kiss Ben hello and cozy up on the couch. We laugh, we fight, he irritates me and I do the same to him. In the end it is still the same despite all the chaos, all the family additions, despite the changes we do to our home. It’s the sameness I live for; the thing I hope I get to experience everyday for the next fifty years. There are always things changing and always things to do; but if you are fortunate enough to find the same, keep the same…you’ll find you never really want different in the end.


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