Setting Suns and Memorable Memorial Days

So how was your weekend? Did you celebrate it with business, did you relax in laziness, did you reflect on our freedom, or did you slave in your yard?

We did a combination of them all. Starting with a fun Friday night out in Saugatuck/Douglas, otherwise lovingly known as Saugalas, with a delicious meal at Everyday People Cafe. And to end a nice meal and fun evening of walking around to different shops, we sat and watched a beautiful sunset. Photo provided below.

Saturday was another great, busy day. Started the morning out helping out our wonderful second parents, Brenda and Rocky Stilwill with their weekend long yardsale. Time to clean house. They worked all winter long on accumulating, or rather gathering things to shed this spring, and we helped them unload these belongings to the front yard. Furniture and all. Come noon it was time forme to head to Twin Lake, gather my niece Grace and her friend Reece and head back to GR. Time for a fun afternoon at the Zoo. After getting Ben at the loft, we spent the next few hours watching the lions, playing with the monkeys and wishing we could fly like the eagles. It was a great time. And once we made it back to Twin Lake, things got interesting.

As many of you know, I haven’t had much of a relationship with my dad since I came out to my family almost 5 years ago. He looks at who I am as a life choice and although this is not the place to debate, it is not that. And this is where he and I disagree. Admittedly this schism is deeper than this simplicity, but for sake of deeper and more private explanation, I will leave it at that. But on Saturday night, the most amazing thing happened. My mom, Aimee, dad, Ben and myself sat down, outside in the garage…for two hours. We sat. And talked. Like normal people. Like normal family. Like how things should be. Like how things should have been. Like how I have wanted them to be for the last five years. Like how I imagined a life could have been but thought it never would be. And it didn’t end there.

On Sunday, Ben and I woke up and went to a great little local breakfast an lunch cafe here in East Hills called the Cherie Inn. On a side note, this place has been around for decades, something I never realized. Amazing by the way. If you have never been, you must go. Their weekend specials put many other regular breakfast menus to shame. For shame regular food menus…for shame. Anyways, on our way out, my mom texted and invited us out to their house again for burgers. So after a morning of breakfast and shopping, we ended up back at my parents around 2:30 and were there until almost 11 pm! We spent the day visiting, and doing some yeard work trimming trees with my dad. And then ended it with a nice fire down at the lake. Again, truly a wonderful weekend. Probably one of the most memorable, and appropriate Memorial Day weekends ever.

And as I reflect on the wonders of a such a great weekend, I am reminded that none of the freedoms I am afforded as an american, and a gay american at that, would be possible if were not for the amazing women and men who have so bravely and courageously served me, and you, and our parents, and sisters, and our brothers, and our children and grandchildren, everyday. Without them, I would not have had this overdue weekend. Without them, I would not have been able to shed the tears I shed quietly as Ben drove us out to my parents on Sunday.  Thank you, and thank you again a million times.

So when you I look back and think about that sunset and realize just how truly beautiful it is. I also look back and realize it also represents the sun setting on a dark chapter of my life that I am more than happy to let go of. One I am sad I lived through and one that did not include my entire family. One that tore us apart in a way that is hard to describe and is beyond words. But one that, just as the sun sets and passes, has also…finally passed. And for that, I am very thankful.

Oval Beach


  1. This makes me cry daniel. Sitting at that fire with you on one side and your dad on the other made me so happy! I am so glad that chapter in your life is over and know that he loves you very much. We all do!!!!
  2. Yes, I agree Angie. Made me shed some happy tears and the weekend was a memorable moment indeed! So happy for you Daniel and Ben!!! Love yas soo much!!!

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