Surprise me! No way!

Believe it or not, they did it! We have the most amazing family and friends. For months they have been scheming and planning. And then this weekend they pulled off the most amazing surprise party ever in honor of Ben and mine’s engagement and upcoming ceremony on September 1. And by the way, click in the small plus sign below for an update of how many more days 🙂

It was a great time. We started the weekend out camping with our friends Jamie and Shelly, who are now known as the ultimate liars. If you know anything about me I am ultra inquisitive and yet they were both able to get me to the party without me asking one single question. Bravo girls. And then for my mom, sister, Tracie and Jeannetta to have planned this for so long with almost no slips…I am impressed. Truth be known there was a small slip of tongue by a friend but the recovery was impressive and in the end I still did not see the party coming.

So come Saturday evening Ben and I celebrated the upcoming union with some of our closest and dearest friends in the only way we could see fit. Neither of us would have ever wanted a bachelor party as we do not see this as a loss of our freedom but the union of two families and mixing of great friends joined by our love. And the more we can celebrate this and share this with these people in our lives the happier it makes us.

So to everyone who could make it, thank you. And to everyone who couldn’t but wanted to, thank you. And to those who still don’t understand what this is that Ben and I have, that’s okay, we still love you and hope some day you’ll get to fully share in our life just as much as our great family and friends did Saturday night.

Love you all!!

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