The Inspection, part 1

Today, March 8, was the first of two in-home inspections and personal interviews that are required as part of the adoption process.

Those of you who know us well, know that we’re a bit, shall we say, neurotic about trying to complete as much as possible ahead of time. That means we had the kitchen cabinets locked, plugs capped, stairs gated, doors alarmed (yes alarm), and any other necessary bubble-wrapping done ahead of time. The planning seems to have done us well so far as the list of things to complete before our next inspection ended up being quite small.

Well, except one item.

We’ve learned that screens are considered barriers (for keeping things in and for keeping things out). It’s a requirement that they be installed to pass the inspection. For us, we live in an older home where there are a handful of old, original windows that need to be replaced and consequently are without screens. They are on the “to-do” list but were not on the list to be replaced in the next couple of weeks. For a moment, that’s what we that was going to be required to do in order to pass. After some sweating and worrying we asked if we could make them in-operable to pass the inspection since the three screen-less windows in question are not for egress. As it turns out, that is acceptable. They are now screwed shut until we have them replaced later this year.

We have our next follow-up inspection and interview Thursday, April 7. Hopefully, that will go just as smoothly as the first went. Look for another post once we get through the next round.