The Waiting Game

So it has been awhile since we have updated about the adoption process. As forewarned, we would eventually hit a time where nothing really changes and we are now in that period. But before I go into detail about what has been happening, let’s revisit how we got here.

We started the process in January. It was an easy decision but a decision we took with brevity. After reaching out a couple times, we found an adoption agency we felt “at home” with, and continue to do so, called Greater Hopes. With Cathy, the agency director as a guide and the capable hands helping her, we navigated the last few months of paperwork, forms, applications, home inspections, interviews, background checks and references to get to today: the waiting period.

The nursery is ready, silently waiting with the door closed. We step in every once and while and imagine what it will be like to have a child sleeping or playing in there. It is an exciting reminder of what is to come but at the same time a sad reminder of what is not yet to happen.

So now, we wait. And this may be a long wait. The agency has had some recent interactions with perspective birth families but through the hard work of the Greater Hopes team, the families either felt that parenting their child was the best option or there were already birth plans in place when they came to the agency. The average wait time for an adoption is about 18 months and we have technically only been waiting for about three. We have some time left; we have our dues to pay as one may say.

Another question we get is about how we feel the process has been and honestly, overall it has been a great experience. Granted, at times there have been some frustrations but in general, it has been a very positive experience. This is in part (the biggest part) from the guidance Greater Hopes has provided in navigating the process.

Ben and I will work hard to continue to update everyone as more happens. Everyone’s support and welcomed questions are appreciated. Updates will be rare however, as during this time, as I said before, we just wait.

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