Time is ticking by!

As I write this there are exactly 3 weeks, 6 days and 3 hours until the ceremony. I can’t wait! But almost as exciting there are 4 weeks, 3 days until we are in Disney World! I’ve been so busy with all the wedding details and trying to get back to the blogging that I haven’t updated about the vacation. So here they are!

The biggest of them all: we are eating for free! If your a friend on FB with me you probably already know this but awesomely Disney is running a dining meal special for the time we are going so we are saving $500 dollars on the trip and getting the meal plan we purchased refunded. Thanks Walt 🙂

Next update is we received all of our trip details and luggage tags in the mail last week. So exciting. We are using the magical express so once we check our bags in Grand Rapids we won’t see them until they show up in our room at the Animal Kingdom Lodge Resort.

Otherwise we have everything else booked. All the dining reservations have been made and we are eating all over the place in Disney. Just as important as all the parks are the yummy places we’ll be eating. We’ll also be taking many pictures. And hopefully Ben and I will have better luck on this trip compared to the last time we tried to vacation when we went to Mexico last year. Maybe Disney will be our good luck charm. Here’s hoping the hurricanes stay away.

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