Vote; today is the day. I said it a before in the past and I will say it again, our world can’t change if we do not so this is your opportunity to stand for what is right and what you believe in.

This has been a difficult campaign season for many and has caused many relationships to sour. I often hear complaints of not having great candidates and that we must choose the lesser of two evils. I personally do not agree but what has stood out to me the most in the last few months is not the behavior of the candidates, but the behavior of the people. It is sad to see the hatred, the arguments and the pain this election has caused. I am not immune to this and admit I have seen these behaviors in myself. In the end, it has made one thing painfully clear to me; the problem is not the candidates we have to choose from, it is the reflection of ourselves we see in them. If we want better, we must first be better.

We all have so much left to learn.
